The Other is a short thriller from Dreamfusion Productions in association with YSP Media. The film was produced by Belinda Basson, directed by Christopher Bevan and written by Ben Errington. Block 1 of principal photography was completed in November 2017 at locations across Birmingham and Derby. After this ambitious shoot we completed 80% of filming and through our Indiegogo campaign which took place in October 2018, we successfully raised enough funds to be able to film the final two scenes. Production wrapped in January 2019. A challenging few years through a global pandemic, personal loss and challenges faced by core team members and post-production crew availability has led to significant delays in completion, however in early 2024 the film was finally completed and begun its release and screening run.

Watch a preview for 'The Other’!


I’ve loved working with such a talented cast on this project who have been wonderfully committed and supportive throughout. From Left to Right: Adam Horvath (Marcus), Dani Tonks (Ruth), Christopher Tajah (Phillip) and Liz Leonard (Wendy).

The Other Main Cast